Job: 2501876 | City: LAPORTE-IN





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The flags and paint represent the underground utilities that already exist in the utility easement. They are marked by the appropriate utility to prevent an already existing line from being damaged during installation of our new lines.

Please do not remove the flags from the easement. They are placed as a safety measure and will be removed by MGL once the work in your easement has been completed.

Occasionally internet lines are accidentally cut during the digging process . Therefore, in the event it happens and your internet is disrupted due to a cut line, please contact your internet provider directly to make the repair. MGL is not allowed to make the necessary repairs. Please note, your internet provider will bill MGL directly for the repairs.

Generally production moves fairly quickly. However, there are a couple of situations that may delay production. Our production time depends on several factors such as the amount of time it takes to locate all of the other utility lines, as well as the weather conditions.

We will be working in the utility easements on the residential side of the sidewalks and running parallel to all of the other utilities in that easement.

These boxes are called Access Boxes. These boxes are the points that the telecommunications provider uses to splice and direct the service lines to their destinations.

Please contact MGL as soon as you notice an issue. If we are still working onsite, we will send a qualified team of repair specialists to fix the damage immediately.

If we are no longer working onsite, please contact us with the following information:

  1. Description of the damage
  2. The date you noticed the issue
  3. Photos of the damage
  4. Any invoices or itemized receipts any expense you may have incurred.

We will have our damage prevention team assess the situation and determine if a reimbursement is applicable to your individual circumstance. 

Please contact the MGL Management Team by phone, email, or our website. The contact information follows:
CALL: 502-701-7422

Please wait until all flags are removed from your lawn before mowing. We do recommend watering regularly. Especially
once the work has been completed as these areas will need water in order to flourish.

Not every worker speaks English but we do have at least one person on every job site who does, ask the guy you are trying to talk to call his boss he will understand that part.